Yes! The master branch of our repository that hosts the client-side Python codes is synchronized for open-source access from various locations on the internet - pypi, conda-forge - and is hosted in a public Github account. This repository can be used for free under the GNU GPL v3 License.
Our public Github pure-Python repository is provided open-source with the GNU GPL v3 License. In order to encourage involvement by the relevant domain experts without the necessary overhead of immediately catering to requests in an open-source environment, we keep a portion of the hard-to-compile Fortran, C and other Python routines private to the AVNI development team. Feel free to raise an issue that you can help with or write to use at [email protected] if you want to get involved.
Become a tester or contributor! Please try out our codes in various applications and let us know. Fork our public repository, contribute code and raise issues or requests. If you want to be a co-developer, please write to Raj Moulik or the AVNI Administrators with your request.
Because you will have fun and work with other domain experts! We have the necessary infrastructure in place for benchmarking, developing and testing algorithms. Your work will be preserved for other colleagues to build on and benchmark against. You will leverage legacy codes spanning multiple decades, modified and optimized for modern infrastructure. You will work in a copyrighted, private branch or repository that will not be released publicly or used in other projects or branches without your written approval. Given other scientific commitments, you will avoid the necessary overhead of immediately catering to requests inherent in other standard open-source environments.